Monday, November 7, 2011

The Donate Button....

Hi everyone..
I hate asking anyone for money.. but I am currently in a really difficult situation.
I have arrived in Haiti to a house which is inadequate to live it.. even by local standards. It is unfinished, unsafe, spooky, filled to the brim with mosquitos (the mosquitos here carry diseases like malaria and dengue), the water here has countless diseases, like cholera and I have to be very careful what I ingest.. I already got violently ill whilst in that house, i dont know what from, but it is clear to me I can't go back, until at least, it is finished with mosquito nets on the windows (to also keep the tarantulas out - which can also make me very sick.. I have also heard there are scorpions here) and a kitchen so that I can occasionaly heat some water or some soup or something...
Electricity will always be a problem there, and the internet will never be reliable. (I'm not sure I can live without those, alone, for a year)

This is a pig.. just wanted to break up the text.
Basically, I am looking for other accomodation. I dont expect luxury, I can live very basically, just not alone in those conditions. The organisation I am working for cannot afford to help me with my living costs outside of the office, and rent here is surprisingly very expensive.. Way more than I was paying in Hull! I am going to have to spend all of the stipend given to me by the organisation which is enough to cover very basic food, on providing myself with a basic home.. and even that will only cover half of my rent, without taking into account transport (I have to go everywhere by motorbike taxi which is expensive, but i have no choice) and food..
The fact is, i simply do not have enough money to stay. BUT I dont want to go home!! I desperately want to be here and do what I came to do.. Haiti has been my obsession for 4 years now, and everything I have done in that time has been leading up to this. I have given up everything to be here, my job, my flat, all my possessions (bar a few trinkets in storage - thanks Fi :)), my loved ones, family and friends..
I am risking a lot being here too.. my health, my safety, but this is my passion. To give something back to these people who are suffering so so much, who have been forgotten by the world. I don't want to go 'home'.
So please, I hate so much to ask... but I am desperate.. If you can spare a few quid, I would appreciate it so so much, and I can assure you, it is not so I can live in luxury and have loads of fun! Life here is incredibly hard, and in order to do my job, I need a minimum of safety, comfort and sanity..

Thank you my dear friends..

If you see value in my work here, and feel you want to contribute, please click the donate button to donate to my paypal account.. Thanks xxx

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