Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My holiday in hospital

To be in an air-conditioned room, with constant electricity and excellent internet connection and running water.. that is worth 13 hours of non-stop puking!!
On sunday afternoon I started to feel really ill, and by sundown I was throwing up pretty violently. It continued all night long.. Lying in my bed, every movement I made made me throw up, accompanied by diarrhea of course, and much much trauma!! I was hating every second of it, freaking out with every thought.. I thought the thunder was an earthquake, I thought the dog outside was a mystical gigantic creature roaming through the darkness, I was convinced someone had put a voodoo curse on me..
I decided I was definitely going home. I don't wanna die here, i thought.
Thank god Astrid was still here, she drove me to hospital first thing in the morning.. not before more puking beside the car before getting in (sorry for being so graphic)
They put me on IV fluids immediately and i stopped throwing up eventually.
I've taken a few days out to recover, staying with Astrid's friend who lives in the hospital in a volunteer house. I'm trying to regain my strength, to eat more (I must've lost at least 10 kilos overnight) and most importantly to find my positivity in this project again...
Working on it....

I knew there would be moments like this, and im not moaning.. Things are just UNBELIEVABLY difficult here. And Im so lucky, i can leave! But to be stuck here, where EVERYTHING is a huge effort.. food, water, sanitation, transport, health.. Life is so so hard here, and it's a huge adjustment for me.. and all the time, my heart is heavy, as i look around at how much people need to struggle, needlessly.

Astrid is now gone and I'm on my own from hereon-in. It's pretty darn scary.

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